2015 Innocence Summit
Make plans to attend CPI’s annual Innocence Summit, June 12-13
Attend our Symposium on Over-Criminalization on June 11 as well!
The 2014 Innocence Summit was a big success, featuring well-known speakers such as Radley Balko of the Washington Post, Angela Davis of the American University School of Law, author Mara Leveritt, and others — with rave reviews!
At the 2015 Innocence Summit, the nation’s leading prosecutors, researchers, defense attorneys, citizen activists, exonerees, and others will come together to debate how the Innocence Movement can overcome old obstacles and achieve new successes.
Theme: Forging Best Practices for Innocence Reform
Why: Because our criminal justice system needs to apply evidence-based best practices in order to stop wrongful convictions and restore the presumption of innocence
Where: Crowne Plaza, Washington National Airport, Arlington, VA (Arrive a couple days early or stay for the long weekend — you’ll get to take advantage of the Summit’s deeply discounted room rates. Advance look HERE.)
When: June 12-13, Friday morning through Saturday afternoon
What: Keynote presentations, panel discussions, workshops, limitless networking opportunities, and a Friday evening banquet. Plus, opportunities to enjoy the sights of our nation’s Capitol!
Registration opens: February 2
Confirmed Speakers to Date:
- Judge Arthur Bennett — Former chair, Superior Court of the District of Columbia; Executive director, National African-American Drug Policy Coalition
- Pamela Cytrynbaum — Executive Director, Chicago Innocence Project
- Troy Davis — County Attorney, Davis County, Utah
- Joseph diGenova — Founding partner, diGenova & Toensing; Former United States Attorney, District of Columbia
- Sakeena Farhath, Esq. — Director, CPI Registry of Prosecutorial Misconduct
- Greg Hampikian — Director and Founder, Idaho Innocence Project
- Ronald Henry, Esq. — Stop Abuse for Everyone, Washington, DC
- Phillip Kuhn — Chairman, CPI Advisory Committee; Former Assistant Attorney General for the State of Tennessee
- Tom Raynes — Executive Director, Colorado District Attorneys’ Council
- Kami Chavis Simmons — Director, Criminal Justice Program, Wake Forest School of Law
- Linda Smith — Supervising Attorney, Kentucky Innocence Project
Invitation for Workshop Proposals:
- Proposals must include:
- Workshop title
- Three learning objectives
- Description of the workshop content (maximum 500 words)
- Presenter biography (maximum 250 words)
- Deadline for receipt: January 16, 2015
- Workshop presenters are responsible for own registration, travel, and lodging expenses
- Email your proposal by clicking this link
Summit Schedule: To be announced
Resource Table: Bring your announcements, reports, flyers, etc. to share with other Summit attendees!
Symposium on Over-Criminalization: Make plans to also attend CPI’s Symposium on Over-Criminalization on June 11.