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Pros. = Prosecutor
Misc. = Misconduct
C/S Effect = Effect on the Conviction and/or Sentence
UKN = Unknown

Case Number
CrimeStatePros. First NamePros. Last NameFederalTrial YearBodyOpinionFinding YearMisconduct TypeC/S EffectPros. Misc. ReportedSanctionsSanction TypeDate Published
1United States v. Brodie, 268...Non-violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes2002Trial courtThe District Court declared a...2003TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
2United States v. Liburd, 607...Drug crimesALEverardPotterYes2008Appeals courtThe Third Circuit Court of...2010TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
3United States v. McAleer, 138...Non-violent, otherWYDavidKubichekYes1997Trial courtConvictions were thrown out...1997TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
4United States v. Burke, 571...Drug crimesWYKennethMarkenYes2007Appeals courtProsecution failed to...2009PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
5United States v.McGee, 612...Non-violent, otherWIMichelleJacobsYes2008Appeals courtCourt of Appeals criticized...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
6United States v. Gibson, 328...Drug crimesWIUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtDistrict Court partially...2009PT: BradyPartial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMay 18, 15
8United States v....Non-violent, otherWAUKNUKNYes1999Appeals courtCourt of Appeals held that...UKNPT: PleaBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
9United States v. Jiles, No....AssaultVAUKNUKNYes2008Trial courtThe prosecution failed to...2009PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
10United States v. Chamberlain,...Drug crimesVAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtFBI agent falsified a report...2000PT: Brady
PT: Evidence
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
11United States v. Joyner...Non-violent, otherVAUKNUKNYes1997Trial courtDistrict Court ordered an...1997PT: ChargingDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
12United States v. Golding, 168...Non-violent, otherVAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Fourth Circuit threw out...1999TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
13United States v. Aderoju, No....Drug crimesVAUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtDistrict Court granted a new...2006PT: Brady
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
14United States v. Hodge, 412...MurderALUKNUKNYes2000Appeals courtThe Third Circuit Court of...2005PT: PleaBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
15United States v....Drug crimesTXUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtFifth Circuit Court found...1999TR: InadmissibleBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
16United States v. Gutierrez,...Sex crimesTXBillBaumannYes2006Trial courtThe District Court granted a...2007PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
17United States v. Wilson, 289...Non-violent, otherTXLawrenceBarcellaYesUKNTrial courtThe District Court vacated...2003PT: Brady
PT: Evidence
TR: Brady
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
18United States v. Valencia,...Non-violent, otherTXUKNLewisYes2003Appeals courtProsecutor improperly read in...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
19United States v. Sipe, 388...AssaultTXUKNUKNYes2000Trial courtThe Fifth Circuit Court of...2004PT: Brady
PT: Evidence
New trialUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
20United States v. Ramming, 915...Non-violent, otherTXJuliaHymanYes1994Trial courtDistrict Court dismissed a...UKNPT: Brady
PT: Charging
TR: Misstating
DismissalUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
21United States v. Mauskar, 557...Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecution failed to...UKNPT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
22United States v. Gracia, 522...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Fifth Circuit Court of...UKNTR: VouchingBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
23United States v. Dollar, 25...Non-violent, otherALG. DouglasJonesYes1997Trial court"From the outset of this...1998PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
24United States v. Hands, 184...Drug crimesALUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtThe Eleventh Circuit Court of...1999TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNOtherMar 30, 14
25United States v. Braunstein,...Non-violent, otherAZUKNUKNYes1997Appeals courtNinth Circuit Court of...2002PT: ChargingPre-trial dismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
26United States v. Shaver, 607...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes2007Trial courtProsecutors failed to inform...2008PT: BradyRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
27United States v. Stevens, No....Non-violent, otherDCWilliamWelch IIYes2008Trial courtThe D.C. District Court...2009PT: BradyDismissalYesUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
28United States v. Childs, 447...Drug crimesILBradleyMurphyYes2004Appeals courtProsecutors...2006PT: BradyNo effectYesYesSuspensionFeb 17, 14
29United States v. Milles, 363...Non-violent, otherALUKNUKNYes2008Appeals courtThe prosecutor provided his...2010PT: EvidenceNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
30United States v. Sykes, 897...MurderDCUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtProsecution had delayed...2006PT: BradyRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
31United States v. Farinella,...Non-violent, otherILJulietSorensonYes2006Appeals courtThe Seventh Circuit Court of...2009TR: ImpugningDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
32United States v. Locke, No....Drug crimesILUKNUKNYes1996Trial courtProsecution dismissed its...1999PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
33United States v. Simpson, 479...Drug crimesILUKNUKNYes2004Appeals courtThe 7th Circuit Court of...2007TR: ImpugningRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
34United States v. Cheska, 202...Non-violent, otherILUKNUKNYes1996Trial courtDistrict Court granted a new...2000PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
Remand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
35United States v. Sanchez, No....Non-violent, otherILUKNUKNYes2009Trial courtDistrict Court granted a new...2009PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
36United States v. Dicus, 579...Drug crimesIAUKNUKNYes2008Trial courtThe prosecution breached the...2008PT: PleaReduction in sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
37United States v....Drug crimesIAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor "crossed the...2000TR: ImpugningRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
38United States v. Fink, No. CR...Non-violent, otherIAUKNUKNYes2001Trial courtProsecutor, in his closing...2001PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
39United States v. Mansker, 240...Drug crimesIAUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtProsecution withheld...UKNPT: BradyNo effectYesUKNUKNMar 30, 14
40United States v. Crusoe, 282...Drug crimesIACharlesWilliamsYes2005Trial courtThe District Court granted a...2006PT: BradyRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
41United States v. Friedlander,...Sex crimesFLUKNUKNYes2009Trial courtDistrict Court granted a new...2009TR: ImpugningRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
42United States v. Wilson, 149...Drug crimesFLUKNUKNYes1996Appeals courtThe Eleventh Circuit Court of...1998PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
43United States v. Lyons, 726...Drug crimesFLBruceHinshelwoodYes2001Trial courtThe prosecutor withheld...2004PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
44United States v. Sterba, 22...Sex crimesFLKaren SchmidCoxYes1998Trial courtProsecutor was eventually...1998PT: BradyDismissalYesYesSuspensionFeb 17, 14
45United States v. Sigma...Non-violent, otherFLMichaelRubinsteinYes1995Appeals courtThe Circuit Court reversed...2001PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
Vacate conviction or sentenceYesUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
46United States v. Adkinson,...Non-violent, otherFLUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Eleventh Circuit Court of...1998TR: MisstatingVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
47United States v. Beeks, 266...Drug crimesIAUKNUKNYes2000Appeals courtDefendant was granted a new...2001PT: Evidence
TR: Inadmissible
Remand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
48United States v. Morris, 498...Drug crimesINRobertTrgovichYes2003Appeals courtThe Seventh Circuit Court of...2007PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectYesUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
49United States v. Goldfarb,...Non-violent, otherAZUKNUKNYes2008Trial courtDistrict Court ordered a new...2008PT: Plea
Pre-Trial -- Other
New trialNoNoUKNMar 30, 14
50United States v. Ferrara, 456...Non-violent, otherMAJeffreyAuerhahnYes1990Trial court"The sad fact is that...2006PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceYesYesOtherFeb 10, 14
51United States v. Claro, 579...Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNYes2005Trial courtDistrict court dismissed...2005PT: Brady
PT: Charging
DismissalUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
52United States v. Williamson,...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtFifth Circuit Court of...2008Pre-Trial -- OtherVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
53United States v....Non-violent, otherALDinaAvila-JimenezYesUKNTrial courtProsecutor failed to locate...2007PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
54United States v. Gonzalez,...Drug crimesTXUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtAs part of the...UKNPT: PleaBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
55United States v. White, 58...Drug crimesTNUKNUKNYes1994Appeals courtSixth Circuit of Appeals held...2003TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
56Schledwitz v. United States,...Non-violent, otherTNUKNUKNYes1992Appeals courtSixth Circuit Court of...1999PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
57United States v. Carter, 236...Violent, otherTNUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtThe Sixth Circuit Court of...2001TR: Impugning
TR: Mischaracterizing
Bar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
58United States v. Stanford,...Drug crimesSDUKNUKNYes2008Trial courtDistrict court granted new...2008PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
59United States v. Kelly, 222...Drug crimesSDUKNUKNYes1997Appeals courtEighth Circuit Court of...2000TR: InadmissibleDismissalUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
60United States v. Curry, 328...Sex crimesSDUKNUKNYes2001Trial courtDefendant received a new...UKNPT: Brady
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
Bar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
61United States v....MurderALUKNUKNYes1997Trial courtThe prosecution was required...UKNPT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
62United States v. Rodriguez,...Non-violent, otherTXUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtProsecution told the jury the...2001TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
63United States v....Non-violent, otherALGuillermoGilYesUKNTrial courtProsecution brought charges...UKNTR: OtherDismissalYesUKNUKNJan 30, 14
64United States v....Drug crimesALUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtProsecution made improper...UKNTR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
65United States v....MurderALUKNUKNYes2003Trial courtDistrict Court ruled that...2003PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
Reduction in sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
66United States v. Fernandez,...Drug crimesALUKNUKNYes1997Appeals courtFirst Circuit Court of...1998TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
67United States v....Drug crimesALUKNUKNYes2004Appeals courtFirst Circuit Court of...2008PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
68United States v....Drug crimesALUKNUKNYes2007Appeals courtDefendant received a new...2009TR: InflammatoryVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
69United States v. Abbott, 241...Non-violent, otherALUKNUKNYes1997Appeals courtDefendant was allowed to...2001PT: Plea
Pre-Trial -- Other
Bar evidenceUKNUKNUKNJan 30, 14
70United States v. Risha, 445...Violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtDefendant received a new...UKNPT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
71United States v. Morena, 547...Non-violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtDefendant got a new trial due...2008TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
72United States v. Korey, 472...MurderPAUKNUKNYes2004Trial courtDefendant was acquitted of...2009PT: ChargingDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
73United States v. Archibald,...Drug crimesPAUKNUKNYes2000Trial courtDistrict Court declared...2003PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
74United States v. Moore, 375...Violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes2002Appeals courtThe Third Circuit Court of...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
75United States v. Hammer, 404...MurderPAUKNUKNYes1996Trial courtGovernment withheld evidence...2005PT: Brady
TR: Brady
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
76United States v. Zomber, 299...Non-violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtGovernment failed to turnover...2008PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
77United States v. McLaughlin,...Non-violent, otherPAMaureenBardenYes1996Trial courtThe government failed to...UKNPT: Brady
PT: Perjury
Bar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
78United States v. Mastrangelo,...Drug crimesPAUKNHowardYes1994Appeals courtThe Third Circuit Court of...UKNTR: MischaracterizingRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
79United States v. Ford, 618 F....Drug crimesPAJosephMcGettiganYes2006Trial courtDistrict Court granted...2009TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
80United States v....Non-violent, otherPAUKNUKNYes1996Appeals courtThe Third Circuit Court of...1999TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
81United States v. Strode, 229...Violent, otherORFredricWeinhouseYes1998Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2000Pre-Trial -- Other
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
TR: Other
Remand for retrialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
82United States v. Price, 566...Non-violent, otherORUKNUKNYes2004Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2009PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
83United States v. Danielson,...Non-violent, otherORJeffreyKentYes2000Appeals courtNinth Circuit Court of...2003Pre-Trial -- OtherRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
84United States v. Vaughn, 248...Non-violent, otherOHUKNUKNYes1995Appeals courtThe Sixth Circuit Court of...1998TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
85United States v. Garner, 507...Violent, otherOHUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtProsecution did not turn over...2007PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
86In re Grand Jury Subpoena,...Non-violent, otherNCMarkWinstonYesUKNTrial courtFederal investigators held a...1999Pre-Trial -- OtherDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
87United States v. Cargill, 17...Drug crimesNCUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Fourth Circuit Court of...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
88United States v. Wilson, 135...Drug crimesNCUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Fourth Circuit Court of...1998TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
89United States v. Thomas, 239...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYes1999Appeals courtProsecution had obtained...2001PT: BradyRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
90United States v. Griffin, 510...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYes2004Appeals courtThe Second Circuit Court of...2007PT: PleaBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
91United States v. Wang, No. 98...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYes1999Trial courtProsecution delayed...UKNPT: Brady
Pre-Trial -- Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
92United States v. Stein, 435...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtThe District Court dismissed...2006Pre-Trial -- OtherDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
93United States v. LaSpina, 299...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtProsecution failed to...2004PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
94United States v. Rivera, 25...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNYes1997Trial courtProsecution requested and...1998Pre-Trial -- OtherDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
95United States v. Rivas, 377...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtSecond Circuit Court of...2004PT: Brady
Pre-Trial -- Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
96United States v. Cardoso, 642...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtDistrict Court ruled that the...2009PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
97Perez v. United States, 502...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYes2000Trial courtDistrict Court vacated...2006PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
98United States v. Peterson,...Violent, otherNYPaulSilverYes1998Trial courtProsecution witheld...2000PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
99United States v. Palladino,...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecution sought a higher...2003PT: PleaVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
100United States v. Gil, 297...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtIn a mail fraud case, the...2002PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
101United States v. Farmer, 583...MurderNYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtAttempted murder conviction...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
102United States v. Torres, 182...Drug crimesNMUKNUKNYes2007Appeals courtTenth Circuit Court of...UKNPT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
103United States v. Gonzales,...MurderNMThomasEnglishYes1995Appeals courtProsecutor committed...UKNPT: Brady
Pre-Trial -- Other
No effectYesNoUKNFeb 4, 14
104United States v. Cachucha,...Violent, otherNMUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtThe prosecution had reached a...UKNPT: PleaBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
105United States v. Williams,...Non-violent, otherNVUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtNinth Circuit Court of...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
106United States v....Non-violent, otherNVDarinLaHoodYes2003Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2005TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Remand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
107United States v. Green, 119...Non-violent, otherNVUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtThe prosecutor...2004TR: VouchingRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
108United States v....Non-violent, otherNVUKNUKNYes2004Trial courtDefendant, a Latino, received...2005Pre-Trial -- OtherRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 14
109United States v. Chapman, 524...Non-violent, otherNVUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtThe District Court threw out...2006PT: Brady
TR: Misstating
DismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
110United States v. Blanco, 392...Drug crimesNVUKNUKNYes2002Appeals courtGovernment refused to turn...2006PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
111United States v. Yah, 500...Non-violent, otherNEUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtProsecution violated the...2007PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
112United States v. Johnson, 241...Drug crimesMTUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtDefendant reached a deal...2001PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
113United States v. Barraza...Drug crimesNEUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtThe government failed to...2006PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
114United States v. W.R. Grace,...Non-violent, otherMTUKNUKNYes2005Trial courtGovernment "failed in...UKNPT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
115United States v. Sanchez, 176...Non-violent, otherMTUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...1999TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
116United States v. Alanis, 335...Sex crimesMTUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtThe government used all of...2003TR: OtherReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
117United States v. Holmes, 413...Non-violent, otherMOUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtEighth Circuit Court of...2004TR: ImpugningNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
118United States v. Gentry, 555...Drug crimesMOUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtThe defendant had invoked her...2009TR: InadmissibleRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
119United States v. Fowler, 445...Violent, otherMOUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Eighth Circuit Court of...2006PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
120United States v. Smith, No....Drug crimesMIJerryRushingYes2002Trial courtDistrict Court held that the...2008TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
121United States v. Goodman, No....Non-violent, otherAZUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtProsecutor improperly asked a...2007TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
122United States v. Conrad, 320...Non-violent, otherALUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtThe Eight Circuit Court...2002TR: InflammatoryRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
123United States v. Ranger Elec....Non-violent, otherMIUKNUKNYes1996Trial courtIndictment was thrown out due...UKNPT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
124United States v. Koubriti,...Violent, otherMIJohnAshcroftYesUKNTrial courtTerrorism charges were...2004PT: Brady
GEN: Extrajudicial
New trialYesYesOtherMay 4, 14
125United States v. Francis, 170...Drug crimesMIUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor committed a series...1999TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
126United States v. Cruz, No....Non-violent, otherMIUKNUKNYes2006Trial courtProsecutor improperly...2007TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
127United States v. Salemme, 91...MurderMAUKNUKNYes1994Trial courtDistrict Court Judge...1999PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
128United States v. Jones, 620...Non-violent, otherMASuzanneSullivanYesUKNTrial courtProsecutors failed to turn...UKNPT: BradyNo effectYesYesCont. Legal Educ.May 4, 14
129United States v. Gonczy, 357...Non-violent, otherMAUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtProsecution violated its plea...2004PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
130United States v. Diabate, 90...Non-violent, otherMAUKNUKNYes1999Trial courtProsecutors failed to...UKNPT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
131United States v. Conley, 415...Non-violent, otherMAUKNUKNYes1995Appeals courtPolice officer in a police...2005PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 7, 14
132United States v. Castillo,...Drug crimesMADickensMatthieuYes2001Trial courtDistrict Court ordered new...2002PT: BradyNew trialYesYesCont. Legal Educ.Feb 7, 14
133United States v. Carpenter,...Non-violent, otherMAUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtProsecution compared the...2005TR: InflammatoryNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
134United States v. Barone, 2009...Non-violent, otherMAJeffreyAuerhahnYes1990Trial courtDistrict Court ordered the...2003PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceYesUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
135United States v. Azubike, 504...Drug crimesMAUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtFirst Circuit Court of...2007PT: Evidence
TR: Mischaracterizing
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
136United States v. Harrison,...AssaultHIUKNUKNYes2007Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2009TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
Reduction in sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
137United States v. Auch, 187...Violent, otherMAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor improperly vouched...1999TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
138United States v. Riggs, 287...Drug crimesMEUKNUKNYes1999Appeals courtThe prosecution violated its...2002PT: PleaVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
139United States v. Mason, 293...Drug crimesLAUKNUKNYes2000Appeals courtProsecution did not disclose...2002PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 10, 14
140United States v. Odeneal, 517...Drug crimesKYUKNUKNYes2006Appeals courtProsecutor wrongfully...2008TR: OtherNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
141United States v. Robinson,...Violent, otherKYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNYesOtherMar 30, 14
142United States v....Non-violent, otherKSUKNUKNYes2006Appeals courtTenth Circuit Court of...2008PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
143United States v. Gurrola, No....Drug crimesKSUKNUKNYes2002Trial courtProsecution failed to provide...2002PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
144United States v. Davis, 244...Violent, otherIAUKNUKNYes2000Trial courtProsecution was too late to...2000PT: BradyBar evidenceUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
145United States v. Von...Drug crimesFLUKNUKNYes1993Trial courtProsecutors failed to...2000PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
146United States v. Babiar, 410...Drug crimesIACliffordWendelYesUKNTrial courtProsecution learned that a...UKNPT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
147United States v. Schneider,...Drug crimesIAUKNUKNYes2001Trial courtProsecutor improperly asked...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
148United States v. Mosley, 505...Violent, otherIAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtDefendant received a new...2007PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
149United States v. Mannava, 565...Sex crimesINUKNUKNYes2006Appeals courtThe Seventh Circuit Court of...2009TR: InflammatoryReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
150United States v. Wilson, 390...Drug crimesILUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtThe Seventh Circuit Court of...UKNPT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
151United States v. Freeman, 650...Drug crimesILRachelCannonYes2009Trial courtProsecution introduced false...2009PT: Evidence
PT: Perjury
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
152United States v. Shaygan, 652...Violent, otherFLSean PaulCroninYes2009Trial courtProsecutors were rebuked for...2009PT: ChargingJury acquittalYesNoUKNFeb 17, 14
153United States v. Scheer, 168...Non-violent, otherFLLotharGengeYesUKNAppeals courtThe prosecutor had made...1999TR: OtherNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
154United States v. Aisenberg,...Violent, otherFLStephenKunzYes2001Trial courtThe government paid roughly...2003PT: ChargingPre-trial dismissalYesUKNUKNMar 30, 14
155United States v. Watson, 171...Drug crimesDCUKNUKNYes1995Appeals courtThe prosecutor...1999TR: MischaracterizingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
156United States v. Maddox, 156...Non-violent, otherDCUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe D.C. Circuit Court of...1998TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
157United States v. Johnson, 592...Drug crimesDCUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtThe D.C. Circuit Court of...2010PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
158United States v. Earle, 375...Drug crimesDCUKNUKNYes2002Appeals courtThe DC Circuit Court of...2004TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
159United States v. Slough, 641...MurderDCUKNUKNYes2007Trial courtProsecutors violated the 5th...2009TR: InadmissibleDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
160Eastridge v. United States,...MurderDCJosephGuerrieri, Jr.YesUKNTrial courtProsecution failed to turn...2005PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
161Batarfi v. Gates, No....Non-violent, otherDCUKNUKNYes2009Trial courtProsecutors failed to turn...2009PT: BradyNo effectUKNYesUKNMar 30, 14
162United States v. Coker,...Drug crimesDEEdmondFalgowskiYes2002Trial courtProsecutor's statements...2002TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
163United States v. Washington,...Non-violent, otherCTUKNUKNYes2002Trial courtThe District Court ordered a...2003PT: Brady
TR: Impugning
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
164United States v. Triumph...Non-violent, otherCTUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtThe general counsel to an...2006PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
165United States v. Ford, 550...Non-violent, otherCOUKNUKNYes2005Appeals courtThe Tenth Circuit Court of...2008PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
166United States v. Golyansky,...Non-violent, otherCOUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtThe District Court sanctioned...2002PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
167United States v. Whitehead,...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor used evidence of...2000TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
168United States v....Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes2006Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
169United States v. Service...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor failed to turn...1998PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
170United States v. Perlaza, 439...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes2000Appeals courtThe Prosecutor violated the...2006TR: MisstatingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
171United States v. Geston, 299...AssaultCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutor had improperly...2002Pre-Trial -- Other
TR: Impugning
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
172United States v....Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes1999Appeals courtProsecutors broke a plea...2000PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
173United States v. Fitzgerald,...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes2007Trial courtProsecutor failed to turn...2009PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
174United State v. Fimbres, 49...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2002TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Partial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
175United States v. Cerullo, No....Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes2004Trial courtDistrict Court dismissed an...2007TR: MischaracterizingDismissalNoNoUKNMar 30, 14
176United States v. Caruto, 532...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes2006Appeals courtProsecutor improperly...2008TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
177United States v. Alfonso, No....Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes2009Trial courtProsecutors failed to turn...2009PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
178United States v....Drug crimesCAJohnLyonsYes1991Trial courtProsecutor was aware of...1998PT: BradyBar evidenceYesUKNUKNMar 30, 14
179United States v. Rodrigues,...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes1994Appeals courtNinth Circuit Court of...1998TR: Impugning
TR: Misstating
Partial reversal of convictionNoUKNUKNMar 30, 14
180United States v. Reyes, 577...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes2007Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
181United States v. Blueford,...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2002PT: Evidence
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
182United States v. Urie, 379...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYes2003Appeals courtThe Prosecutor repeatedly...2006TR: VouchingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
183United States v. Rosen, 94...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes1998Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2004PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
184United States v. Brown, 327...Non-violent, otherAKUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtNinth Circuit Court of...2003TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
185United States v. Kohring, 637...Non-violent, otherAKWilliamWelchYes2007Appeals courtUpon appeal, the prosecutor...2010PT: BradyDismissalUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
186United States v. Kott, 423...Non-violent, otherAKUKNUKNYes2007Appeals courtThe government admitted...2011PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
187United States v. DeJong, 26...Non-violent, otherAZUKNUKNYes2000Trial courtDistrict Court ordered the...2000PT: ChargingJury acquittalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
188United States v....Drug crimesAZUKNUKNYes1998Trial courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2000PT: BradyNo effectNoNoUKNMar 30, 14
189United States v. Jernigan,...Violent, otherAZUKNUKNYes2001Appeals courtThe defendant's bank...2007PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
190United States v. Vavages, 151...Drug crimesAZUKNUKNYes1996Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...1999TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
191United States v. Chases, 230...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe prosecutor was found to...2007PT: Brady
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
192United States v. Combs, 379...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
193United States v. Hector, 474...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYes2004Trial courtThe District Court ordered a...2008PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
194United States v. Jackson, 116...Drug crimesCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtProsecutors "materially...2004PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
195United States v. LaPage, 231...Non-violent, otherCAUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2000PT: Perjury
TR: Inadmissible
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
196United States v. Leung, 351...Non-violent, otherCARobertWallaceYes2003Trial courtDistrict Court dismissed...2005PT: Plea
Pre-Trial -- Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
197United States v. Nicholas,...Non-violent, otherCAAndrewStolperYes2008Trial courtDistrict Court dismissed the...2009PT: EvidenceDismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
198United States v....MurderCAUKNUKNYes2009Trial courtThe prosecutors had made...2009PT: Brady
PT: Evidence
Voluntary withdrawal of...UKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
199United States v. Ruehle, 583...Non-violent, otherCAAdamStolperYes2007Trial courtDefendant moved to vacate her...2010Pre-Trial -- Other
TR: Other
DismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
200United States v. Nobari, 574...Drug crimesCAKarenEscobarYes2003Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2009TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 30, 14
201United States v. Quinn, 537...Non-violent, otherDCUKNUKNYesUKNTrial courtThe D.C. District Court...2008PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 17, 14
204State v. Aldridge, 697 N.E.2d...Sex crimesOHUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtDefendants were convicted of...1995PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
205State v. Rivet, 752 N.W.2d...Violent, otherNDUKNUKNYesUKNSupreme courtThe Supreme Court of North...2008TR: InadmissibleRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
206State v. Price, 68 A.3d 440...Drug crimesRIMariaDeatonNo2009Supreme courtRhode Island Supreme Court...2013TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
207State v. Evans, 593 N.W.2d...Drug crimesNDUKNUKNNo1997Supreme courtThe North Dakota Supreme...1999TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
208Clayton v. Willis, 489 So.2d...Non-violent, otherFLStephenKunzNoUKNAppeals courtThe District Court of Appeal...UKNPT: ChargingDismissalUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
209People v. Maier, No. C058044,...Non-violent, otherCAMaggieKrellNoUKNUKNThe California Court of...2009TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
210People v. Bermudez, 25...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe Supreme Court of New York...2009TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNJul 14, 14
211United States v. Scheer, 168...Non-violent, otherFLLotharGengeYesUKNAppeals courtDefendant was convicted in...1999PT: EvidenceVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
212People v. Bueno, No....MurderCOUKNUKNNo2009Trial courtThe Colorado Court of...2013PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
213Taylor v. State, 827 A.2d 24...Violent, otherDEUKNUKNNoUKNUKNDefendant appealed his theft...2003PT: Charging
TR: Inflammatory
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
214Williams v. State, 803 A.2d...Drug crimesDEUKNUKNNo2001Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2002TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
215Morris v. State, 795 A.2d 653...AssaultDEUKNUKNNo1999Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2002TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
216Caldwell v. State, 770 A.2d...Drug crimesDEUKNUKNNo1998Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2001TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNApr 6, 14
217State v. Rivet, 752 N.W.2d...Attempted murderNDUKNUKNNo2007Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2008TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
218State v. Ball, 675 N.W.2d 192...Sex crimesALUKNUKNNo2001Supreme courtDefendant was convicted by a...2004TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
219State v. Scutchings, 759...Sex crimesNDUKNUKNNo2007Supreme courtDefendant was convicted by a...2009TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
220Whittle v. State, 77 A.3d 239...MurderDEUKNUKNNo2010Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2013TR: VouchingVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
221Oliver v. State, 60 A.3d 1093...Drug crimesDEUKNUKNNo2010Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2013PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
222Kirkley v. State, 41 A.3d 372...Violent, otherDEUKNUKNNo2010Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2012TR: VouchingVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
223Eley v. State, 11 A.3d 226...Non-violent, otherDEUKNUKNNo2008Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2010TR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
224Allen v. State, 970 A.2d 203...Violent, otherDEUKNUKNNo2002Supreme courtDefendant, accused of being...2009TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
225Hardy v. State, 962 A.2d 244...Sex crimesDEUKNUKNNo2006Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...2008TR: VouchingVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
226People v. Otero, 210 Cal....Sex crimesCAUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtDefendant was convicted in...2012TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
227State v. Herrera, 41 Kan....Sex crimesKSUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtDefendant was convicted in...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Vacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
228State v. Rogan, 984 P.2d 1231...Sex crimesHIUKNUKNNo1998Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...1999TR: InflammatoryDismissalUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
239In re Brizzi, 962 N.E.2d 1240...MurderINCarlBrizziNo2008Supreme courtProsecutor Carl Brizzi...2012GEN: ExtrajudicialNo effectYesYesOtherMay 4, 14
229State v. Magallanez, 235 P.3d...Sex crimesKSUKNUKNYesUKNSupreme courtDefendant was convicted in a...2010TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
230Rose v. State, 163 P.3d 408...Sex crimesNVUKNUKNNo2002Supreme courtFollowing a jury trial,...2007TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
231Castleberry v. Brigano, 349...MurderOHUKNUKNYes1992Appeals courtFollowing affirmance of his...2003PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
232State v. Ennis, 93APA08-1187,...Sex crimesOHDennisHoganNo1990Appeals courtDefendant was convicted in...1994PT: BradyVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
233Collins v. State, No....Violent, otherFLUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtDefendant appealed her...UKNTR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
234Marston v. State, No....Sex crimesFLUKNUKNNo2008Supreme courtDefendant was convicted in...UKNTR: InadmissibleVacate conviction or sentenceUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
235Schneyder v. Smith, 653 F.3d...MurderPASmithGinaYes2005Appeals courtDetainee held as a material...2011Pre-Trial -- OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMay 4, 14
238In re Wyser, 4 N.E.3d 619...MurderINDavidWyserNo1992Supreme courtDavid Wyser was suspended...2013GEN: OtherNo effectYesYesSuspensionMay 4, 14
237In re Howes, 39 A.3d 1 (D.C....MurderDCPaulHowesYesUKNDOJ OPRThe Office of Professional...2012Pre-Trial -- OtherReduction in sentenceYesYesDisbarmentMay 4, 14
236DisbarmentNon-violent, otherDCJohnYooYes2009DOJ OPR"In 2009, OPR finished a...2009GEN: OtherNo effectYesNoUKNJul 14, 14
242Larsen v. Davis County, No....Violent, otherUTTylerLarsenNo2010Appeals courtProsecutor, Tyler Larsen, was...UKNTR: MischaracterizingRemoval of ProsecutorUKNUKNUKNJul 14, 14
241Strobbe v. State, 296 Ark. 74...MurderARJohnFoglemanNo1986Supreme courtThe Arkansas Supreme Court...1988PT: BradyRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNJul 15, 14
240Mullins v. State, No....MurderFLUKNUKNNoUKNUKNAfter a manslaughter trial,...UKNTR: MisstatingRemand for retrialUKNUKNUKNJul 14, 14
243State v. Roque, 141 P.3d 368...MurderAZVinceImbordinoNo2003Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2006PT: Brady
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
244State v. Minnitt, 55 P.3d...MurderAZKenPeasleyNo1993Supreme courtArizona Supreme Court held...2002TR: MischaracterizingDismissalUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
258People v. Calabria, 727...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1996Supreme courtThe NY Court of Appeals...2000TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
245State v. Morris, 160 P.3d 203...MurderAZJuanMartinezNo2005Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2007TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
246State v. Moody, 94 P.3d 1119...MurderAZDavidWhiteNo2001Supreme courtDefendant appealed to the...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
247State v. Velazquez, 166 P.3d...MurderAZJeannetteGallagherNo2004Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
248State v. Newell, 132 P.3d 833...MurderAZCleveLynchNoUKNUKNThe Arizona Supreme Court...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
249State v. Speer, 212 P.3d 787...MurderAZJeannetteGallagherNo2007Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2009TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
250State v. Martinez, 282 P.3d...MurderAZJeannetteGallagherNo2006Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...UKNTR: Vouching
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
251State v. Gallardo, 242 P.3d...MurderAZJuanMartinezNo2005Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...UKNTR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
252State v. Prince, 250 P.3d...MurderAZCleveLynchNo1998Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2011TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
253State v. Manuel, 270 P.3d 828...MurderAZTedDuffyNo2004Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
254State v. Nelson, 273 P.3d 632...MurderAZMattSmithNo2009Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2012TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
255State v. Parker, 296 P.3d 54...MurderAZLauraReckartNo2010Supreme courtThe Arizona Supreme Court...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
257Gorghan v. DeAngelis, 857...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Supreme courtThe New York high court...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 7, 14
259People v. Fredrick, 861...MurderNYUKNUKNYesUKNAppeals courtThe NY Supreme Court,...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
260People v. Riback, 920 N.E.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Supreme courtThe Court of Appeals of New...UKNTR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
272People v. Trinidad, 802...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
261People v. Hill, 835 N.E.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2005TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
DismissalUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
262People v. Morrice, 877...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNUKNThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Partial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
263People v. Currier, 919...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtProsecutor misconduct was...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
264People v. Ballerstein, 860...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
TR: Other
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
265UKNDrug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: VouchingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
266People v. Jodhan, 831...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
267People v. Reid, 722 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
268People v. Walter, 823...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
269People v. Stanton, 842...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
270People v. Wynters, 747...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNUKNThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
271People v. Anderson,851...UKNNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008PT: Brady
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 14, 14
287People v. De Vito, 800...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 14
286People v. Morgan, 974...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013PT: Brady
TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
274Stapley v. Pestalozzi, 733...Non-violent, otherAZAndrewThomasYes2009Appeals courtThe Ninth Circuit Court of...2013Pre-Trial -- Other
GEN: Extrajudicial
GEN: Other
Voluntary withdrawal of...YesYesDisbarmentSep 22, 14
285In re Stuart, 803 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYClaudeStuartNo2002Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2002PT: BradyNew trialYesYesSuspensionSep 22, 14
273Howard v. State, 403 S.W.3d...MurderARTomCooperNo1999Supreme courtAfter the Arkansas Supreme...2013PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
284People v. Furey, 909 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 14
275People v. Bravo, 894 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 22, 14
276People v. Burchard, 799...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
277People v. Almethoky, 779...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InflammatoryReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
278People v. Diotte, 880...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
279People v. Slishevsky, 948...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
280People v. Woodrow, 936...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
281People v. Williams, 951...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
282Baba-Ali v. State, 799...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
283People v. McClary, , 925...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011PT: Brady
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
288People v. Eldridge, 732...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
289People v. Bowie, 607 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
290People v. Melendez, 782...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
291People v. George, 671...UKNNYUKNUKNNo1998UKNThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNTR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
302State v. Jackson,...MurderTNAmyWeirichNo2005Supreme courtThe Tennessee Supreme Court...2013PT: Brady
TR: Impugning
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
292People v. Brown, 812 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
293People v. Hendrie, 805...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
294People v. Grady, 838 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
295People v. Alfaro, 688...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1996Appeals courtThe Defendant was convicted...1999TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
296People v. Edwards, 834...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
297People v. Slaughter, 596...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
298People v. Spann, 918 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
299People v. Wlasiuk, 821...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
300People v. Miller, 960...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
301People v. Lopez, 946 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNSep 28, 14
303People v. Clark, 600 N.Y.S.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
304People v. Walters, 674...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1998TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
328People v. Smith, 596 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1992UKNThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
305People v. Washington, 718...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2000TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
306People v. Gorghan, 787...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
307People v. Collins, 784...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
308People v. Bull, 630 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1992Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1995TR: MisstatingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
309People v. Russell, 761...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
310People v. McCombs, 795...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
311People v. Santiago, 735...UKNNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001UKNNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
312People v. Chislum, 665...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1997TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
313People v. Roman, 787 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
314People v. Halm, 81 N.Y.2d 819...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Supreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...1993TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
315People v. Jackson, 532...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1986Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1988TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
316People v. Torres, 490...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1985TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
317People v. Ubiles, 539...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1989TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
318People v. Nevedo, 608...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
319People v. Robinson, 689...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
320People v. Tarantola, 577...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1989Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
321People v. LaPorte, 762...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
322People v. Chapin, 265 A.D.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
323People v. Proper, 576...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
324People v. Typhair, 784...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
325People v. Skinner, 747...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
330People v. World, 550 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
326People v. Roundtree, 593...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1991Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1993TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
327People v. Paul, 645 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1996TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
329People v. McReynolds, 572...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1988Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1991TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNOct 12, 14
331People v. Fiori, 693 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1999TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
332People v. Hernandez, 553...UKNNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: ImpugningReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
333People v. Glanda, 794...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
334People v. Casanova, 988...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2012Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2014TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
335People v. Allen, 787 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
336People v. Forbes, 975...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
337People v. Anderson, 921...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
338People v. Spence, 938...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
339People v. Barber, 787...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
340People v. Hughes, 975...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2012Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
341People v. Payne, 593 N.Y.S.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1993Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1990TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
342People v. LaDolce, 607...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1990Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...1994TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
343People v. Garcia, 848...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
344People v. Monroe, 793...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
345People v. Williams, 849...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNSupreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2006PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
346People v. Swansbrough, 802...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
347People v. Williams, 854...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
348People v. Gayden, 975...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
349People v. Sinha, 976 N.E.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Supreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2012PT: BradyPartial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
350People v. Middlebrooks, 752...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
351People v. Phillips, 865...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
352People v. Richard, 817...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
353People v. Nelson, 882...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
354People v. Daly, 928 N.E.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2010PT: BradyPartial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
355People v. Harris, 825...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
356Leka v. Portuondo, 257 F.3d...MurderNYUKNUKNYes1990Appeals courtThe Second Circuit Court of...2001PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
357People v. Waters, 941...MurderNYJasonPetriNo2011Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: BradyNew trialUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
358Ramos v. City of New York,...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo1985Appeals courtA day care aide filed a §...2001PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
359In re Soares, 947 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYP. DavidSoaresNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: BradyDismissalUKNYesOtherNov 17, 14
360People v. Harris, 838...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2006Trial courtThe New York County Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleDismissalUKNUKNUKNNov 17, 14
361State v. Graves, 668 N.W.2d...Drug crimesIAUKNUKNNo2001Supreme courtThe Iowa Supreme Court, held...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
362People v. Porco, 896 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
363People v. Bell, 838 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
364People v. Elioff, 972...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
365People v. Miller, 973...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2013Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
366People v. Parada, 889...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
367People v. Gillyard, 920...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2006Supreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2009TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
368People v. Thompson, 916...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
369People v. Winters, 839...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2007Trial courtThe New York County Court,...2007TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
DismissalUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
370People v. Walton, 895...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
371People v. Saracina, 748...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
372People v. Trembling, 748...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
373People v. Hunter, 892 N.E.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2008Supreme courtThe New York Court of...2008PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
374People v. Arbas, 924 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNNov 23, 14
375People v. Perez, 946 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2012Trial courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: Evidence
Pre-Trial -- Other
Bar evidenceNoNoUKNNov 23, 14
376People v. Delosanto, 751...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1999Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
377People v. Vielman, 818...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: MischaracterizingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
378People v. Rose, 761 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: MischaracterizingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
379People v. Morales, 968...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
DismissalUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
380People v. Smith, 909 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
381People v. Pearson, 813...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
382People v. Pagan, 962 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
383People v. James King, 974...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
384People v. Lee, 824 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
385People v. Urbina, 951...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
386People v. Garcia, 895...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010PT: PleaNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
387People v. Tetrault, 861...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
388People v. Gutierrez, 910...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
389People v. Brown, 894 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
390People v. Ostrow, 819...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
391People v. Stein, 781 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
392People v. Felix-Torres, 721...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
393People v. Colon, 918 N.E.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1993Supreme courtThe New York Court of...2009PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
394People v. Mitchell, 789...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
395People v. Rosas, 746 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1999Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
396People v. Quinney, 760...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
397People v. Norwood, 719...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
398People v. Jacobson, 876...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009PT: BradyNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
399People v. Nelson, 935...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
400People v. Davis, 859 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
401People v. Clanton, 895...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
402People v. Goldstein, 900...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010PT: Charging
PT: Evidence
DismissalUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
403People v. Rodriguez, 790...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1999Supreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
404People v. Jones, 818 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
405People v. Bournes, 874...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: MischaracterizingPartial reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 8, 14
406Turner v. Schriver, 327 F....Violent, otherNYUKNSlighYes1988Appeals courtThe Eastern District Court of...2004PT: Brady
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
407People v. Simmons, 924...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
420People v. Battistini, 761...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
408People v. Rivera, 894...AssaultNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
409People v. Clark, 725 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
410People v. Anderson, 830...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
411People v. Agostini, 922...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
412People v. Williams, 813...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
413People v. Quezada, 887...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
414People v. Eastman, 749...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
415People v. Christiani, 946...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
416People v. Bennett, 837...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1997Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007PT: BradyReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
417People v. White, 737 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNTR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
418People v. Wright, 837...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
419People v. Acquista, 837...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
421People v. Alexander, 857...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
422People v. Mendez, 804...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: MischaracterizingReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
423People v. Bastian, 919...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
424People v. Elliott, 740...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
425People v. Aguilar, 829...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNDec 21, 14
426People v. Hicks, 953 N.Y.S.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 15
427People v. Brown, 817 N.Y.S.2d...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 15
428People v. Chatman, 722...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Impugning
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 4, 15
429People v. Singleton, 974...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Other
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 5, 15
430People v. Carter, 818...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2004Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNFeb 5, 15
431People v. Ortiz, 894 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 5, 15
432People v. Shinebarger, 973...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 5, 15
433People v. Marzug, 721...MurderNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 5, 15
434People v. Rock, 882 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectNoNoNAFeb 5, 15
435People v. Wright, 924...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
436People v. Mateo, 956 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
437People v. Ortiz-Castro, 784...MurderNYUKNUKNNo1995Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
438People v. Epolito, 957...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
439People v. Bell, 885 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectNoNoUKNMar 9, 15
440People v. Sleasman, 805...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005UKNReduction in sentenceUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
441People v. Glen, 723 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
442People v. Nelson, 890...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2009TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
443People v. Burroughs, 721...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectNoNoUKNMar 9, 15
444People v. Ni, 742 N.Y.S.2d 61...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo1999Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
445People v. Matthews, 811...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
446People v. Robinson, 975...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Brady
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
447People v. Pringle, 896...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
448People v. Spruill, 775...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
449People v. Robinson, 790...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Misstating
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
450People v. Wildrick, 920...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
451People v. Quiller, 749...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
452People v. Williams, 967...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
453People v. Lauderdale, 746...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InflammatoryNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
454People v. Presha, 919...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
455People v. Shelton, 763...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
456People v. Morgan, 903...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
TR: Other
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
457People v. Gordon, 855...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
458People v. Smith, 733 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
459People v. Edwards, 882...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
460People v. Nisvis, 867...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
461People v. Johnson, 777...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InadmissibleNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
462People v. Whitehead, 760...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNFeb 18, 15
463People v. Algarin, 790...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
464People v. Jones, 948 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
465People v. Hardy, 804 N.Y.S.2d...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
466People v. Sudol, 932 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
467People v. Baum, 863 N.Y.S.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Impugning
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
470People v. Hendricks, 747...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
471People v. Ramsey, 852...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Misstating
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
472People v. Caparella, 920...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
473People v. Wilson, 955...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
474UKNMurderNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2002PT: EvidenceNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
475People v. Cosme, 973 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
476People v. Washington, 933...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2005Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
477People v. Todd, 968 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
478People v. Scott, 875 N.Y.S.2d...Attempted murderNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
479People v. Benavides, 792...Non-violent, otherNYThomasSpotaNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
480People v. McClary, 925...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
481People v. Mattocks, 954...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
482People v. Scruggs, 976...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
483People v. Jamal, 761 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
484People v. Liverpool, 825...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
485People v. Mehmood, 977...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
486People v. Thornton, 962...MurderNYThomasSpotaNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
487People v. Fisher, 967 N.E.2d...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2010Supreme courtThe New York Court of Appeals...2012TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
488People v. Wiggins, 817...MurderNYWilliamGradyNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
489People v. Munquia, 806...AssaultNYRichardBrownNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
490People v. Stallworth, 802...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
491People v. Peterson, 897...AssaultNYWilliamFitzpatrickNo2008Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
492People v. Warren, 812...Violent, otherNYThomasSpotaNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
493People v. Mohammed, 917...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
494People v. Collado, 933...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2011TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
495People v. Wallender, 812...Non-violent, otherNYRobertCarneyNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
496People v. Dedaj, 756 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo1999Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
497People v. Bartholomew, 963...Non-violent, otherNYCyrusVanceNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
498People v. Goldstein, 763...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
499People v. Foxworth, 759...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...UKNTR: Inadmissible
TR: Other
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
500People v. Romero, 864...Non-violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo2006Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
501People v. Bryan, 866 N.Y.S.2d...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
502People v. Pagan, 797 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
503People v. Ortiz, 822 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYRobertMorgenthauNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: Impugning
TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
504People v. Dubarry, 926...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectNoNoUKNMar 9, 15
505People v. Cordero, 972...Sex crimesNYFrankSeditaNoUKNAppeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2013TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
506People v. Clemmons, 847...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
507People v. Davis, 805 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
508People v. Pagan, 769 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYCharlesHynesNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: Impugning
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Misstating
TR: Vouching
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
509People v. Lebovits, 942...Sex crimesNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: Brady
TR: Inadmissible
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
510People. v. Dean, 856 N.Y.S.2d...Sex crimesNYKathleenRiceNo2006Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
511People v. Cabrera, 782...Non-violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
512People v. Davis, 832 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYMatthewMurphyNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2007TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
513People v. Coppolo, 817...Violent, otherNYRobertJohnsonNo2000Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
514People v. Thornton, 771...Violent, otherNYPaulClyneNo2001Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2004TR: InflammatoryNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
515People v. Santiago, 957...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2007Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2012TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
516People v. Billups, 762...Violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo2001Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2003TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
517People v. McArthur, 956...MurderNYThomasSpotaNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
Reversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
518People v. Reilly, 796...Sex crimesNYGeraldMollenNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
New trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
519People v. Washington, 799...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
520People v. Koonce, 974...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2013TR: ImpugningNew sentencing HearingUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
521People v. Lopez, 946 N.Y.S.2d...Attempted murderNYFrankSeditaNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: ImpugningNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
522People v. Corliss, 853...Non-violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008PT: ChargingPartial dismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
523People v. Page, 964 N.Y.S.2d...MurderNYFrankSeditaNo2007Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
524People v. Dalton, 811...Sex crimesNYJosephMcBrideNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006PT: Charging
TR: Inadmissible
Partial dismissalUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
525People v. Thibeault, 900...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
526People v. Harte, 815 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYRobertMorgenthauNo2004Appeals courtIn an arson case, the New...2006TR: InadmissibleReversal of convictionUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
527People v. Scott, 924 N.Y.S.2d...Violent, otherNYRichardBrownNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2011TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
528People v. Hunter, 782...MurderNYUKNUKNNo2002Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: MisstatingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
529People v. Fields, 891...Non-violent, otherNYP. DavidSoaresNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2009TR: InadmissibleNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
530People v. Simon, 954 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYThomasSpotaNo2009Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012PT: EvidenceNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
532People v. Handwerker, 816...Non-violent, otherNYThomasSpotaNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: MisstatingNew trialUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
533People v. Perkins, 804...Drug crimesNYGeraldMollenNo2004Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2005TR: Inadmissible
TR: Mischaracterizing
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
534People v. Johnson, 786...Non-violent, otherNYPaulClyneNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2004TR: Inadmissible
TR: Inflammatory
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
535People v. Wilson, 726...Drug crimesNYUKNUKNNoUKNAppeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
536People v. Martina, 852...Sex crimesNYFrankClarkNo2005Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2008TR: Impugning
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
537People v. Martin, 813...Violent, otherNYKathleenRiceNo2003Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2006TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
538People v. Roberts, 904...MurderNYCharlesHynesNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2010TR: VouchingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
539People v. Carney, 973...Non-violent, otherNYD. HolleyCarnrightNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inadmissible
TR: Vouching
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
540People v. King, 973 N.Y.S.2d...AssaultNYUKNUKNNo2010Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: Inflammatory
TR: Mischaracterizing
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
541People v. Wright, 725...Drug crimesNYJohnTriceNo1998Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2001TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
542People v. Hebert, 891...Sex crimesNYJamesConboyNo2007Appeals courtThe Supreme Court, Appellate...2009TR: MischaracterizingNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
543People v. Totesau, 977...Violent, otherNYUKNUKNNo2011Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2013TR: OtherNo effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
544People v. Smalls, 953...Violent, otherNYSandraDoorleyNo2008Appeals courtThe New York Supreme Court,...2012TR: Inadmissible
TR: Misstating
No effectUKNUKNUKNMar 9, 15
545People v. Kossman, 848...Sex crimesNYJosephMcBrideNo2005Appeals court