Media Coverage
The Registry of Prosecutorial Misconduct has been the focus of numerous media accounts:
- “Now for some good news: A nonprofit reform group called the Center for Prosecutor Integrity (CPI) has just launched a new registry of prosecutor misconduct. It’s searchable by name, case, date, and several other variables. It also looks to provide some interesting data breaking down misconduct by infraction, region, and so on. So far, the database only includes 200 recent incidents from federal cases, but CPI “plans to expand the Registry to include all known cases of prosecutorial misconduct.” They’re currently looking for partners in individual states to help populate the database with new cases.” — Radley Balko, Washington Post, January 9, 2014
- “The Center for Prosecutor Integrity has just launched its Registry of Prosecutorial Misconduct. This is a significant step in documenting the hard data that will ultimately be required to effect some measures of accountability and sanctions for errant and unethical prosecutors.” — Phil Locke, Wrongful Convictions Blog, January 8, 2014
- “The Center for Prosecutor Integrity’s registry comprises 201 federal cases dating back to 1997 in which prosecutorial misconduct was found by a federal trial court or appeals court. It lists the type of case and the nature of the misconduct, from withholding evidence to perjury. The registry also includes any sanctions imposed by the court.” — Michael Kiefer, Arizona Republic, January 12, 2014
- “This database is one of the first steps in determining the larger picture of prosecutorial misconduct and holding those responsible accountable for abusing the public trust.” — Henry Thompson, Innocence Project of Florida, January 14, 2014
- “We are amused (or better, dismayed) by the number of cases that involve unknown prosecutors in the [CPI] database. The reluctance of courts and disciplinary committees to publicly identify offending prosecutors is nothing new, but it’s evident just how widespread the practice of withholding names is when observed in database form.” — The Open File, January 13, 2014
Media coverage of the Center for Prosecutor Integrity:
- “According to the Center for Prosecutor Integrity, multiple studies over the past 50 years show that courts punished prosecutorial misconduct in less than 2 percent of cases where it occurred. And that rarely amounted to more than a slap on the wrist, such as making the prosecutor pay for the cost of the disciplinary hearing.” — New York Times Editorial Board, January 5, 2014